NBA trading cards have been around since 1948, and it started as a hobby before turning into a lucrative business. The interest in the hobby waned in the 1960s and 1970s, as basketball's popularity in the United States was fading.
Magic Johnson and Larry Bird literally saved the NBA in the 1980s before Michael Jordan turned it into a global phenomenon in the 1990s. Basketball trading cards became a trend again during Jordan's era, but it was not until the late 2010s that the hobby became a moneymaker for many.
The involvement of celebrities like Drake took it to new heights. Jordan remains one of the most collectible NBA players along with LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry. On that note, let's take a look at the most valuable NBA trading cards.

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Here are the top five:
#5 2020-21 Panini Flawless Triple Logoman Patch LeBron James ($2.4 million)
Sold through Goldin Auction for $2.4 million in 2021, this LeBron James Triple Logoman Patch card is one of a kind. It features three NBA logos that came from James' game-used jerseys from his time with the Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat and LA Lakers.
#4 1997-98 Upper Deck Michael Jordan All-Star Game Used Jersey ($2.7 million)
This card is the most expensive one that features Michael Jordan. It was sold for $2.7 million in October 2021 through Goldin Auctions.
It's not the rarest Jordan card, as it has 23 copies in existence. However, Jordan is a rare signer, as he has an exclusive contract with Upper Deck.
#3 2018-19 Panini National Treasures Luka Doncic Logoman Autograph Rookie Card ($4.6 million)
Luka Doncic is one of the best young players in the league today. His rookie National Treasures Logoman autographed card made by Panini is the third most expensive card ever sold.
It's a one-of-a-kind card that features Doncic's well-known and controversial "lulu" signature.
#2 2003-04 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection LeBron James Rookie Patch Autograph AU/23 ($5.2 million)
The LeBron James Exquisite Rookie Patch is not quite rare, as it has several copies and parallel cards.
However, one of the copies of this card sold for $5.2 million back in April 2021. The card is numbered to 23 and features James' early signatures during his first year in the league.
#1 2009-10 Panini National Treasures Stephen Curry Rookie Logoman Autograph ($5.7 million)
The most valuable NBA trading card is a one-of-one Stephen Curry National Treasures Logoman autographed card.
It was sold to Alt Fund II for $5.7 million in July 2021. The card was graded near-mint but the signature scored 10, which is the highest an autographed card can get.
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