By now, many Big Brother fans already know that Kyle Capener and Alyssa Snider broke up.
But much debate has been occurring on social media about who might have ended the relationship.
Kyle and Alyssa were a part of the Big Brother 24 cast, where they struck up a showmance inside the game.
Though they broke up and had some drama in the house, the duo got back together after Taylor Hale was named the winner.
The couple basically traveled the world, making some stops in places like London and Paris before finally heading back home.
Once home, Kyle posted to his Instagram page that the relationship had ended.
Who ended things in the Big Brother 24 showmance?
The latest theory is that Kyle and Alyssa disagreed on where their relationship was going to go next. A post was made on Twitter from user SpoilerGirl1, which stated just that, leading to a response from a fan who said that he got a Cameo video from Alyssa.
That fan stated that Alyssa had implied that Kyle wanted to end things. He also noted that Alyssa was supposed to be visiting Utah for a visit, where she would have spent some time with Kyle’s family. That visit didn’t end up taking place.

Much conjecture has also been posted, with some fans speculating that Kyle’s mother may not have liked Alyssa. None of these statements about Kyle’s mother have provided any evidence that they are correct, but that hasn’t stopped the online debates.

Taking the conjecture one step further, another fan suggested that Kyle might have proposed to Alyssa on vacation, and her answer may have led to the relationship coming to a close.

More Big Brother news
In additional news about Big Brother showmances, the relationship between Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans ended.
Recently, Angela shared a video updating fans on what she has been up to and why she moved to Bali.
That was followed by Tyler talking about his depression and what he has been doing to return to his old self.
It won’t be too much longer until a new group of houseguests is playing the game and new showmances possibly start to form. The BB25 cast should be introduced in late June or early July before playing for that nice $750,000 prize.
Big Brother 25 airs in the Summer of 2023of on CBS.