Begin drilling through the paver. Periodically stop and cool the paver and drill bit by pouring water over the drilled area of the paver. Allow the drill and the bit to do the work, there is no need to drill fast or apply to much pressure to the drill.Click to see full answer. Then, is it better to drill into brick or mortar?We recommend drilling into the mortar instead of the brick for a few reasons. Drilling directly into brick is more difficult than drilling into mortar and runs the risk of damaging the brick. It is also easier to repair mortar if you drill into the wrong location or decide to remove your decorative item. can you screw into brick? To screw into brick there are only two things you need. Anchor screws ( Walldog, concrete screw, screw anchor) and a masonry drill bit. It’s easier to drill into the mortar than it is into the brick because the mortar is softer, but sometimes the grout just isn’t where you need your hole. In this manner, can I drill into brick with a regular drill? Most bricks can be satisfactorily drilled with a normal power drill, but only by using tungsten carbide masonry drill bits, it’s just slower going the harder the brick or the larger the hole. Most bricks are not too hard and If you drill into the mortar it really makes no difference at all.Can a 12v drill go through concrete?Drilling a hole into concrete is best accomplished with a drill that you plug into a wall outlet. But if you do not have a corded drill, or if the concrete is in a location where no electricity is available, you may need to complete the job with a 12 volt drill.