Hells Kitchen Recap 10/19/18: Season 18 Episode 4 Hell Freezes Over

Hell’s Kitchen Recap 10/19/18: Season 18 Episode 4 "Hell Freezes Over"

Tonight on FOX their Gordon Ramsay culinary competition series Hell’s Kitchen airs with an all-new Friday, October 19, 2018, season 18 episode 4 “Hell Freezes Over,” and we have your Hell’s Kitchen recap below. On tonight’s Hell’s Kitchen season 18 episode 4 episode called, “Hell Freezes Over,” as per the FOX synopsis, “The chefs are surprised with winter jackets and then must compete in a sled race for an advantage in the upcoming challenge, during which the two teams must prepare their best winter soups.

The winning team is rewarded with a luxurious day and night in Palm Springs. After a troublesome dinner service, Chef Ramsay makes an extreme change in the teams.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Hell’s Kitchen recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Hell’s Kitchen news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s Hell’s Kitchen recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Hell’s Kitchen begins with the Veterans and Rookies returning to their dorm shocked at how Jennifer was kicked out and wasted her opportunity. Outside, Chris, Scotley, and Jose are talking about how sexy some of the women are while Trev shakes his head at them. Mia sits with Trev, who admits she might be a little underestimated, which she hopes they can “bring it on!”

The teams are given long sleeve jackets and brought outside where it is snowing. Chef Gordon Ramsay tells them “Hell Has Frozen Over” and they will be competing in the first ever Hell’s Kitchen sled race. It is a relay race, with 2 people in the sled and 1 person pushing it, the winning team will win an advantage in today’s challenge. Kanae tries to get on the sled and literally does a somersault over the front of the sled as Scotley laughs that she ate the snow.

The Blue team wins with ease and the big advantage is the perfect treat on a cold winter’s day and today’s challenge is for them to make a mind-blowing bowl of soup and they have to make it outside. The Blue team has a 10-second head start and they have 45 minutes to make their soups.

Chef Ramsay brought in two guest judges – Traci Des Jardins, chef and restaurateur who owns Jardiniere; and Olympic Figure Skater and Gold Medalist Brian Boitano, who has written an incredible cookbook called “What Would Brian Boitano Make?” The team with the most stars wins the challenge.

The blue team presents first with Trev who made a carrot and coconut soup with Cajun curry shrimp. (6) Heather is second with andouille and lobster soup (8). Ariel is third with fried chicken and pasta soup (7). T makes an Appalachian inspired soup with celery, crispy chicken skin and spicy pickled shrimp (8). Kevin makes New England clam chowder (6). Roe makes Vietnamese Pho (3) and last is Brett with a tomato basil soup that he made with canned tomatoes and Chef Ramsay is ashamed, shaking his head. He is given 3, totaling the Blue team with 41.

Red team starts with Mia’s brown butter, butternut squash soup with Brussel sprouts (9); the first perfect score of the night! Motto is second with his sweet potato soup (6). Gizzy makes celery fennel soup (9). Chris presents his spicy butternut squash soup with fried jalapenos in butter. None of them really like it, and can’t imagine getting to the bottom of the bowl (3). Jose Soy Miso soup with vegetables (7). Scotley Saffron potato, leek and Brussel sprouts with butter poached lobster; they love it. Chef Ramsay says its a beautiful marriage with the texture of the soup (8). The red team already beat the blue with 42 and they still have one bowl to go. Kanae made a roasted mushroom soup and delivers a big blow with the Red Team’s third perfect score of the night – final score is 51 (red) to 41 (blue).

The red team is off for a luxury day and night of pampering at L’Horizon resort and spa in Palm Springs. He tells them to go wild and have fun. Blue team is told they have to shovel up the 30 tonnes of snow out of Hell’s Kitchen. At the resort, the guys are checking out Kanae, who admits her husband would kill her if she wasn’t covered up. The Blue team is working hard cleaning up but Brett is throwing the huge pieces of snow as Heather is concerned about his rollercoaster of emotions. Mia is really happy to be out for dinner as she hasn’t been on a date in a while, Gizzy loves their reward as Scotley feels this is really building momentum as they toast their victory.

Blue team is busy prepping both kitchens for dinner service that night. Trev is pulling attitude as Sous Chef Jocky tells him he has to throw all the eggs out he is doing, as he is doing them wrong. Jocky calls Trev the egg man, and he asks Jocky if that makes him the Walrus? Once again, Jocky shows Trev that he is making the poached eggs wrong, Ariel offers to help Trev with the eggs but he sarcastically suggests everyone should help him with eggs so he looks like an idiot and he walks out saying, “this is getting old!”

Jocky checks on the eggs and tells Trev they are beautiful and Trev is happy but says when he walks away to “fk his eggs!” Once Chef Ramsay checks that everyone is set up for success, he tells Marino to open Hell’s Kitchen.

Guests begin to arrive, including Hayley Orrantia (Actress, The Goldbergs). Marino shows Brett (blue) and Gizzy (red) how to make the table side Gourmet clam chowder. The chef’s tables are set up and in the blue kitchen is Cheryl Hines (Actress/Comedian) and Rachel Harris (Actress/Comedian) and in the Red Kitchen is Morgan Spurlock (Filmmaker/ Academy Award Nominee for Film – Super Size Me).

Mia wants the red team to keep the momentum keep going, but Scotley feels she is hard to deal with it. She knows she is a foot and a half shorter than him, but she refuses to let him tell her how to run her station. Sous Chef Christina orders them to squash their beef right now. In the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay praises them for getting out their first table out without a glitch, he loves their decisiveness and rhythm.

Gizzy comes into the kitchen, trying to help out Mia and Scotley, but Ramsay tells her she is supposed to be at tableside, not in the kitchen; she shows up fashionably late to her table. Meanwhile, Brett is talking way too much with the customers, stalling the blue kitchen; Chef tells him to hurry up. In the red kitchen the Rookies have kicked it in the gear with apps but when it comes to entrees Gizzy pulls out a beyond burnt black pork chop out of the oven. Chef demands to know who put it in the oven as the celebrity’s at the chef table looks on.

In 18 seasons he has never seen this, there is a flashback, to 10 minutes before opening when Chef Ramsay put the pork chop in the oven and told Chris to flip it in 6 minutes; it was Chris who was complaining about who did it. The blue team stalls because they bring up cold steaks to the pass; Cheryl Hines wants to know why Chef Ramsay is so cute when he yells and Rachel Harris says its because he is British! Trev is frustrated that Kevin chooses to fly solo.

Chris tries to put the pork incident behind him and the red team is able to send out food. Motto is mad that Chris is killing his meats. Motto is trying hard to be on point with his food and it sucks that is is being brought down by someone else, they are able to bring it together with their timing eventually. Kevin in the blue kitchen is also able to produce his steak but then Trev brings up an overcooked lamb and pins it on him and Kevin, who says that isn’t true. Kevin brings up another rack of lamb to the pass forcing Ramsay to bring the entire blue team to the back.

It’s 7:35 pm and its been a rough service in the Veteran’s Kitchen, he tells them to pull their crap together. Heather thought no matter where they would put Kevin he would be great, now she doesn’t have confidence in him at all; they hustle back into the kitchen and Kevin says if he is going down he is going down alone. He brings up a raw lamb to Chef Ramsay again, even after Heather offered to help him. Ramsay begins to cook the lamb himself as Heather pushes her team to finish off strong.

Hell’s Kitchen closes for the night and Chef Ramsay tells both teams they were in oblivion this evening with so many careless errors and he felt they were going backward; ultimately the losing team tonight was both teams. He wants them to go back and pick two nominees for both teams and come back.

Chef Ramsay asks Brett who the blue team picked and he tells him Kevin based on tonight’s performance, the meat station went down hard. The second nomination is Trevor and since they were working as a pair they were a disaster. Scotley says the red team’s first nomination is Chris who got bombarded with a lot of fish orders that frazzled him. The second nominee is Gizzy who was the first to leave on appetizers at tableside and they felt the ball was dropped on that part.

Chef Ramsay calls all four forward. Gizzy feels Chris is the weakest link on their team. Chris feels that Mia is the weakest link because she can’t lead a team, she only demands things. Ramsay wants to know what Trev did tonight, admitting he literally didn’t cook a single thing only Kevin did. Kevin admits it was a bad service. Chef Ramsay says Kevin take your jacket off and you are going to the red team. He tells Gizzy he expected more from her and tells her to join the blue team.

He takes Trevor’s jacket and puts him in the red team. He tells Chris this is his last chance and tells him to get back in line. He tells Mia and Kanae to take off their jackets as they are joining the blue team. Brett is joining the red team. He is changing the chemistry of the teams, as it is men versus women now.

“Rookies. Veterans. The only title I care about is Executive Chef. Who will lead and who will fall!”
~ Chef Gordon Ramsay

The End!
