Jeff Hardy Shoots on CM Punk | Page 5

Davi323: There's nothing wrong with drugs buddy. I don't know what they teach you in school or what your peers think of you but there's nothing wrong with marijuana or hash. Nothing wrong with getting drunk all the time, nothing wrong with snorting some coke once and a while. There's nothing wrong with being Jeff Hardy, there's something wrong though with someone who claims to be innocent of that stuff like CM Punk. They are lying through their teeth. Jeff Hardy is a world class fuck up because he failed a WWE drug test? So fn what! Who gives a rats ass if Jeff Hardy is drugged out as long as he puts on one hell of a performance. No one gave a shit in the 80s and the 90s what the hell wrestlers did outside the ring so why do we care now. It's none of our business, its not Vince's business and Jeff Hardy should not be fired due to drug use but CM Punk should be fired for being a boring wrestling personality. Straight edges are losers, there is nothing classy about them. The only bigger losers are people who claim to be straight edge but are behind the scenes abusing sleeping pills. That's as hypocritical and shady as you can get. The wrestling business is full of roids and drugs and some wrestlers get caught and others don't. That's how you distinguish Hardy from Punk besides the fact one works for WWE and the other TNA.

A lot more people are like CM Punk than Jeff Hardy. Ok maybe in your world but i believe most people out there drink and do drugs from time to time. And there's nothing wrong with that. People who claim to be completely straight edge are usually liars, Jeff Hardy just keeps it real like most real people. Hardy can be the human he wants to be, Punk has to be a robotic WWE clown reading everything his script tells him to cause there are idiot children like adults eating it all up.

So you knew CM Punk before he was in WWE? You grew up with him? Or did he just tell you his little story about being straight edge before WWE? So I guess that means Scott Hall was Razor Ramon and did all his Razor Ramon stuff before he was a wrestler too right? Oh no you don't believe that but we live in the reality age where the whole focus is to tell your life story as if its real to advance a gimmick. I'm sure he was straight edge is whole life, if he was then he's a naive dork. My theory isn't fucked up whatsoever, Punk is a dork and anyone who likes PG bull is a dork. Plain and simple. I'm calling out most the people on this site. And it isn't my beloved TNA, I barely watch that either I just prefer it to WWE because WWE is brutally pathetic. Doesn't mean I like TNA, just means i hate WWE. You could call it my beloved Sponge Bob Squarepants, I like that show just as much as anything TNA puts out let alone WWE. And no WWE didn't create straight edge, they just pander to that crowd because they realized there was a niche for that, a niche that would never betray their parents and God and dare be tempted to smoke a joint or sip some alcohol, a niche that would never betray Vince and WWE and be tempted to enjoy anything remotely better like TNA. They changed their whole fan base, rid themselves of the kind of fan who would likes real adult stuff and pander do the goody goody dork crowd who'll always stay loyal and defend them to the bitter end.

My parents never taught me that drugs were bad. They told me that everything in moderation was ok. They told me that heroin and coke should not be touched but they wouldn't have been disgusted and fired me had i simply tried either. I smoked weed and drank like crazy, i rarely drink anymore and i haven't touch marijuana in a year and my life is no better or worse without it. It's my choice to do it, doesn't make me a fuck up if i do or don't. There's nothing wrong with it. Go to university and take a social problems course and you'll learn all about how society stigmatizes smoking and alcohol and drugs to purposely to give it this stigma that only badasses do it. They demonize marijuana and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It actually has benefits. My parents taught me that, they are well educated people who grew up with it in the 1960s. Only an uneducated fool who lets society dictate their life choices thinks it bad. My parents let me drink alcohol, yet i'm not an alcoholic or a druggie. I'm simply someone who drinks and smokes up from time to time. My mom smoked, I'm 30 i've smoked regular cigarettes maybe 10 times in my whole life. If i smoke, its weed and its fn good and it doesn't make me a fuckup, it would make you one if you went your whole life abstaining from something you know and understand absolutely nothing about because your guardians who are liberal enough to let you watch the big bad PG WWE tell you its bad.

You missed the day in school, go and pay for a real university education and not some free dinky public school system that is required by government law to teach you that. In a place like university where you pay for the real education you didn't get in public brainwashing school they will NOT tell you drugs are bad, they'll tell you the truth. Wrestling fans like you are obviously not Rhode Scholars! Your grade 11 dropouts.

This has everything to do with TNA and WWE. You love WWE and I hate it. I prefer TNA but i barely watch it. I just don't care anymore because i don't want to be a wrestling fan in this PG dictated world. Its phony, it creates phonies, its just an atmosphere of uneducated morons bantering about the dumbest things imaginable being combated by a few intelligent and objective folk who get attacked by the majority of WWE loving smarks. You say it has nothing to do with TNA, yet look at your little byline:

Every time I bash TNA, AJ Styles pele kicks bunnies? Good. I hate bunnies.

Jeff Hardy is a drug user. Yippe. So was Triple H and Shawn Michaels, what do you think those two were doing with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash back in the day. Shawn and Triple H are phonies, Trips was a big roid user yet he denies it but he obviously done him just like Vince did. Taker was likely a druggie, how does a guy who looks like that go his whole life without drugs. Benoit was a pharmaseutical druggie, Guerrero was, Curt Henning was, Rick Rude was, Warrior and Hogan were roiders, almost every wrestler takes pain killers and sleeping pills. Stone Cold big alcoholic, Orton has been warned a number of times for his infractions and he's had more than Hardy. Punk preaches absitence, he's a hypocrite liar. Everyone else i mentioned are drug abusers buddy, that means all wrestlers are fuckups under your reasoning. No they aren't, who gives a hell if they do roids or weed or drink. All you care about is whether or not they work for WWE or TNA. The biggest losers in life are straight edges and straight edges who like WWE PG bull. Or people who lie about being straight edge to sell their character.

A guy who pissed his career away and had 'the life' at his fingertips? The guy works for TNA and is their world champion. He's the WWE equivalent of Randy Orton right now. He didn't piss his life away, he's at the top of the mountain and he's got it all on his fingertips and he hasn't fucked anything up. All he did was be lucky enough to get away from the WWE and all its bullshit policies. He wasn't as good a robot as CM Punk, and that makes him far from a fuckup, quite the opposite actually.

You should go make a good life choice and get some post secondary education. Then you'd be intelligent enough to see that my points you come far from understanding are
pretty spot on. Until then, i'm just arguing with a subjective straight edge WWE smark.
