'Pied', 'it is what it is', 'my type on paper', 'putting all my eggs in one basket', 'do bits' and 'cracking on' are probably all indispensable facets of your day-to-day vocabulary - and it's all thanks to one TV show.
Love Island has blessed us with a brand new language. The lexicon of Love Island is a thing to behold, native only to this small population, in years to come it’ll appear on indigenous language curricula worldwide. We're calling it.
GLAMOUR jetted into the villa in South Africa to meet this year's cast and find out which words they'll be bringing to the villa with them - and that we'll all be saying on a daily basis by February. Here's a rundown of the lingo of Love Island 2020, plus exactly what each bit of blurb means.
Body popping: The art of dancing like Drake. Watch out for Mike's moves in this year's villa.
Cheeky: Cheeky can be stuck in front of almost any mundane activity you can think of; it will immediately make it sound more interesting and playful.
Buzzing: Nas used the word 'buzzing' aprox 72 times during our interview with him and we're already buzzing to add it to our voacab.
Send it: As opposed to the art of actually sending someone something, Ollie uses the term ‘send it’ to hype something up. "Like if you go all out and go for it, ‘send it’," he explains.
Peak: Ollie also says 'peak' is a indispensable part of his vocabulary and tells us we should know what it means. We're not cool enough so we turned to Urban Dictionary for help. "When banter is of a whole new level that only certain words can explain it. Jokes may be said to be 'peak' when they are borderline taboo but still cause serious laughter." Riiiight.
Vibe: Expect to hear the islanders recount how they're 'vibing with each other' i.e. they're each other's type on paper.
Je ne c’est quoi: Bringing a bit of European flair to the villa's lingo is Nas, who is keen to make this iconic French phrase mainstream. "If you see someone and they’re your type and you click and they’ve got that je ne sais quoi - I learnt that a couple of days ago and I’ve been using it ever since - that something you can’t describe," he told us.
Wifey: The term the guys will use to refer to their girlfriend.
Mate: How every guy will refer to every other guy in the villa. "I say mate all the time and I think everyone’s going to notice that and drive them mad," warned Connor.
A belter: Someone who is really gifted in the looks department.
Rantin’: Engaging in a fierce debate with another islander or just having a good moan about something or someone.
Situationship: "I've been in a lot of these," Leanne told us. "It's a relationship without the labels but it's not open; you're exclusive but you haven't discussed it."
Here are our favourite catch phrases and Love Island words from past series