Maxine Harrison is a freelance SEO & culture writer.
She has published pieces in several national publications including The Independent, Business Insider, Reach PLC, Metro, and more. After discovering a dearth of resources when it comes to freelancing, she started up her own blog, Remi Reports, where she shares tips and advice about navigating freelancing in the creative industry.
In her spare time, Maxine, a Christian, enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. Walking paths with river views, like London’s Thames are a particular fave and she also likes hiking up mounts like Seven Sisters. Bopping to hip-hop and R&B tunes is also a common passtime for Maxine. Lauryn Hill, who she just so happens to share a birthday with, is one of her all-time favourite artists.
You can follow Maxine on Twitter @BlessedIsM or on Instagram @remireports