Everyone’s favorite delusional creationist baby-maker, Michelle Duggar, punked her family on a recent episode of their delightful reality show. She brought all her kids into the room to announce that “someone’s expecting” with a wicked little twinkle in her eye. Michelle didn’t announce that she was pregnant again with her 20th kid as they were anticipating and broke the news that the wife of a guy who works on their show was going to have her first baby. I’m sure she added “amateur” under her breath. Radar Online has the news along with a video segment:
Michelle Duggar made a bombshell announcement on the latest episode of her show, stunning all 19 of her children as they were gathered together. “Someone’s expecting!” Michelle revealed to the family.
The news that Michelle is pregnant with her 20th child would be a surprise to the family, but not something unexpected. She has spoken out on recent episodes of wanting to have another child if “it is God’s plan.”
“But it’s not us,” she revealed with a big laugh to the family that was quietly standing around her! Michelle announced that Jon Boyle, a production assistant, and his wife were expecting their first child. The family all clapped and cheered, maybe a little relieved that Michelle and Jim Bob weren’t having their 20th child yet.
“I think my family was looking at me like, Mom?” Michelle laughed. She was tickled to tell the news to her family and said “we get thrilled to find out that anyone is expecting, just because we know how special that is.”
The episode also showed that the 19th and tiniest Duggar, Josie, is doing a really well after her return home from her long hospitalization and the older sisters are taking care of her. Josie is off of her oxygen for two hours a day and Michelle says “she’s doing so good. She’s happy not to have that in her nose.” Michelle also said that the littlest little hardly ever cries.
[From Radar Online]
You know Michelle would never make the announcement of her pregnancy just on her own show anyway. She announced her last two pregnancies on the Today Show, and she didn’t even tell her kids ahead of time when she was pregnant with her 18th baby, preferring to let them know live on air (announcement is at 2:30) so we could see their shocked faces. Michelle thought it was funny to punk her kids into thinking she was pregnant again. She’s probably incredibly disappointed that she’s not pregnant considering that it’s been a whole nine months since she had the last one. Given all those poor kids go through caring for their siblings, especially the last one who was born prematurely and almost died, it seems particularly cruel both to joke around that she’s pregnant again and to even consider having more. Michelle is going to keep having as many as “God” “wants” her to even if it kills her, preferring to ignore the fact that she’s burdening her children with adult responsibilities.