CJ McCollum has been fantastic for the New Orleans Pelicans so far. He's achieved a lot of success on the court, but he's also been blessed with off-the-court success and a wonderful wife.
He is married to Elise Esposito McCollum and the two tied the knot in 2020. CJ and Elise have been together for a long time. Their tale is one of the most wonderful love stories in the NBA and they recently welcomed their first child as well.
This article will reveal everything we know about Elise Esposito and her relationship with CJ McCollum. We'll take a deeper look into their lives and when the two of them began dating.

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70% Win
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In 2009, CJ McCollum began playing college basketball at Lehigh University. He made an immediate impact on the team and was its starter, averaging 19.1 points in his freshman season.
McCollum was the nation's leading scorer among freshmen and the Mountain Hawks had a lot of success with him. During his college days, the talented basketball player met Elise, who would later go on to become his wife.
Before getting drafted into the NBA, McCollum spent four years at the university. Esposito, on the other hand, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in behavioral science. She also earned a Master's degree in engineering at Lehigh.
Elise is a well-educated woman who was a dental assistant for more than a decade. She worked closely with her father, Michael, who has been a successful dentist for more than 40 years.
In 2016, Elise Esposito enrolled at Columbia University College to pursue a doctorate. She earned this prestigious degree in 2020, adding to her impressive resume.
CJ McCollum proposed to Elise Esposito in 2018. This happened during a boat sailing trip in New York City and the shooting guard got an affirmative answer from his partner.
The two were originally supposed to get married in September 2020. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic postponed their marriage to October of the same year. In January 2022, the couple welcomed their first child, Jacobi James McCollum.
McCollum's career with the Pelicans
The New Orleans Pelicans were one of the most entertaining teams in the NBA last season. Despite missing Zion Williamson, the team advanced to the playoffs, but couldn't get past the first round.
This season, they've been on a roll. They are 2-1 so far and their only loss came in the overtime game against the Utah Jazz. The team looks amazing and CJ McCollum could have a career year.
The shooting guard is averaging 23.3 points and a career-best 6.7 assists this season. While it's still too early to say how good he will be this season, he's looked fantastic and could lead the Pelicans to another playoff appearance.
The Pelicans will host the Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday night. The Mavericks are 1-1 so far this season and beating them will be quite a challenge.
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