Maria Elena Rios has apparently blamed Mexican entertainer Tenoch Huerta for rape
Rios is a saxophonist
She is a corrosive assault survivor
Saxophonist Maria Elena Rios has purportedly blamed Mexican entertainer Tenoch Huerta for rape. She called him a ‘sexual stalker’ on Twitter.
Actor Tenoch Huerta has reportedly been accused of being a sexual predator by saxophonist María Elena Ríos
(https://t.co/OnCBzwMitT) pic.twitter.com/6slxcH8scA
— Geek Vibes Nation (@GeekVibesNation) June 11, 2023
Rios in a progression of tweets said that Poder Prieto distributed some material for which they didn’t have approval. She further affirmed that the organization didn’t pay her. It was then she blamed Tenoch Huerta as well.
She made sense of that a web recording called “El Feisbuk de la Malinche” distributed an episode in which she had taken part, yet was rarely paid. The saxophonist added that she had likewise chipped away at other ‘Poder Prieto’ projects without getting installments.
She claimed that Poder Prieto guards Huerta, calling him a sexual stalker. The organization has erased the webcast.
“We are blamed for not having paid you for this web recording. We can’t pay you something NOT our creation. Also, we didn’t distribute it, just that content was suggested as we suggest content consistently… ” Poder Prieto had tweeted.
Maria Elena Rios answered: “I made it extremely obvious to them when I left their faction that they safeguard the savage and sexual Stalker of @TenochHuerta that they distributed nothing about me. They actually went to search for me at a show of frauds to stay away from embarrassments for their @MarvelLATAM film.”
Who is Maria Elena Rios?
Maria Elena Rios is a saxophonist and a corrosive assault survivor. She is 29 years of age.
Her previous sweetheart, a government official, had recruited men who sprinkled corrosive all over and body. They were imprisoned.
Discussing herself and her saxophone, Ríos, recently, said: “We are accommodating, gradually. I despised it since I thought it was liable for the assault.” She currently wears a cover and performs.
“It irritated my assailant a great deal that I was a performer since he said we artists were transients, neediness stricken, that we just consumed medications and that when I showed up for shows I most likely partaken in blow-outs,” she added.
Instagram account.